The whole motley crew.
Hope 2008 was good and lets all hope for an even better 2009.
L informed me this morning that he needs to go to the doctor.
I asked him why? He then told me that the doctor needs to take off his mole.
Ok -- he has a mole on his groin. Right on what a woman would call her bikini line. It isn't raised or anything, just a black dot. He has known about his mole and feels free to tell others about it.
So I tried to convince him that he didn't need it removed and that the doctor would have to use a knife and cut and it would be ouchies.
To which he responded "Mole hurt my pee pee. No doctor cut off my pee pee"
I thought it was hilarious. First that he thinks the mole will hurt his penis, and that he is already horrified about losing his penis at the age of THREE! So I had to call B and made L repeat the whole story to his father. Apparently, L has already told B this story. Last night in fact.
Now, in retrospect, I am a little concerned. First of all -- who is giving my child the idea that the mole needs to go. As I said he has known about his mole for the better part of a year now and never been concerned about it. And second - who has seen the mole to give him that idea. Granted, to the uninitiated it looks a lot like poop is stuck on his groin, but no one new should be helping him with the potty. In fact there is next to no need to help L with the potty at all. I mean down to wiping, he is totally independent in that area at home.
So, do I continue to find this hilarious or do I get more concerned?
We are tired of capitalism. Socialism and Marxism are the future, and the future is here. Let those who want to work support the rest of us
Yet another wonderful quip from Newsvine on MSN news.
The sad state of affairs is that in few hours our country will take a leap to where... socialism? spreading the wealth? mainly, just screwing over the middle class yet again. The idea of Universal Health Care for all -- regardless if they want it. A MSN study showed that 23% of American without health care are offered it through their employer. That means 23% DO NOT WANT IT. One person was bitching about the $1170 it would cost her annually to have health insurance. Funny -- no one thinks twice before spending that on car insurance, but you are certainly more likely to get sick then you are to be in an auto accident. God we are populated with some seriously dumb ass people.
So, instead of facing the facts that people are making these choices for whatever reason they are, government is going to be big brother and step in and fix it all. You poor stupid citizens that have no idea, here just let big government do it all for you. *snort*
I sincerely hope that both Obama and/or McCain prove me wrong. I think they are both terrible. We seriously are in a sad state of affairs when that is the choices we have. I chose to vote AGAINST a candidate for the first time in my life.
I am sure this isn't the first time it is going to happen in my life time, but I know I am going to be rolling my eyes and laughing at the stupidity of the American public in about a year when one of 2 things is going to happen 1) Obama doesn't implement a single plan he campaigned on other than raising taxes and 2) the economy is even deeper in the shitter because the employers that have been planning layoffs if Obama is elected go through with them rather then die a slow death due to over taxation.
There is no silver lining to this nightmare.