I was tagged by Alicia to post my grosser than gross moment... OMG, you have no idea the can of worms you opened...
Luckily, most people IRL know this story, so W, N, mom, The Saint -- it is the Bella story, now go away so you don't puke...
Everyone else... get a bucket.
October of last year, it was a Saturday morning. B was at work (like most Saturdays in the fall) and I was home with L. I had just passed the 16 weeks of morning sickness that only Reglan made better (my good friend Reglan... oh how I love thee), so I was in my second trimester. Well, I was playing with L who was just crawling/walking and he was playing outside his room. All of a sudden, I saw him put something in his mouth. It was dark, I didn't know what it was, but I told him to come to mama. He didn't come to me, so I got up to go to him.
What had he found....
Oh that is right... a DOG TURD. And yes, that means he ATE the dog turd. Puking yet??
Lets suffice to say, I got most of it out of his mouth, cleaned him up, thought of killing the effing dog (instead made a vet appt for her because what the hell was going on - turns out it was impacted anal glands -- ever see those expressed. Oh, your puking again... my bad!), called my mom and W in hysterics (so much so that my mom was certain I miscarried and W couldn't understand my blubbering). Called L's pediatricians office -- still in hysterics -- and thinking they were going to send CPS my way, only to be told they get calls like this all the time and the nurses daughter ate cat poop before -- supposedly way worse then dog poop, by the way, just in case you get your choice down the line. At the end of the day, I kept saying to B -- how am I am going to be a mom to two kids?? I couldn't fathom it and of course blamed myself. (BTW -- I still have no idea where he FOUND the damn turd!! This also was about the time the dogs lost any hold on my heart too.)
So, that is by far my grosser then gross moment. I vividly remember what my hands looked like and L's too. BLECK.
Oh and it did make me puke. Even my friend Reglan couldn't help me there.
B thought is was the funniest thing he had ever heard in his life. God that man is a riot! Ok, so now I tag -- Kirsten, MamaC, Jennie and Rima .
DS tidbit -- Shortly after a diagnoses of Down syndrome is confirmed, parents should be encouraged to talk with their doctors to understand the relevant down syndrome facts, and to enroll their child in an infant development/early intervention program. These programs offer parents special instruction in teaching their child language, cognitive, self-help, and social skills, and specific exercises for gross and fine motor development. Research has shown that stimulation during early developmental stages improves the child's chances of developing to his or her fullest potential. Continuing education, positive public attitudes, and a stimulating home environment have also been found to promote the child's overall development.
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Ewwwww! Okay yeah, that's gross. And also reminds me of the time Sawyer ate his own poop. I forgot about that, otherwise I would have used it! I can still remember seeing it caked in his teeth. BLECH.
Ok -- yeah, that is gross too!! UUGH. I don't know what the facination with poop is -- L is totally facinated these days.
I will do this soon! So much pressure in being tagged, ha ;)
I don't know if you will get this. . . But my daughter just DID THE SAME THING!
So gross! Any problems afterwards? I am freaking out. Her dr's office said no worries. But I am paranoid. Not fun!
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