Monday, October 29, 2007

Revising history

Ok, so maybe L wasn't all that bad this weekend. Yes, B and I were fed up with all the whining, but looking back at all the pictures we took, it was a busy weekend and there wasn't all that much napping done. Gotta love the holidays, right?!

L looking at all the pumpkins

Finding the perfect one

L had a blast carving his pumpkin with B and I painted one with R. R really couldn't have cared less, but there are now two pumpkins sitting in front of our house.

R thoughts on all of this -- FEED ME.

DS tidbit: When the parents return to work, they may need assistance in finding appropriate day care. Most large day care centers accept children with Down syndrome. However, in these large centers, the infants with congenital heart defects may be at increased risk of infection and resultant congestive heart failure. Alternatives include in-home care or a home day care setting with a smaller number of children. A smaller day care facility can often maintain stricter infection control measures.

1 comment:

MommytoA said...

Such cute boys.And,it's great to see a pic of you too.Yay!