Thursday, November 8, 2007

How often is enough...

Mom -- you can go ahead and skip this one, ok? Ok.

So how often is enough sex? I know it varies from person to person -- some want more, some want less -- but what is enough for both you and your husband to have a happy medium?

For B, he definitively thinks then there is NEVER enough. Morning, noon and night would be great in his book and still not enough.

For me, once a week is plenty thank you very much. I think I am doing very well with the once a week thing too seeing as I have 2 kids still under 2, I have a career, resposibilities at home and would like to have a life with some time for just me too.

So what do you think -- once a day, once a week, once a month, once a year even or is there just never "enough"?


Kirsten said...

Somewhere between once a month to every other month. Can you tell I'm worn out? Man things have changed as I was on the 2xs a day plan before kids!!

mamaC said...

I am with you kirsten! once a month is plenty for me. having 2 under 2 (one that is 3 months old) tends to tire you out. Not to mention working full time and still having to take care of all the other misc stuff.

Making A Modern Family said...

I'm in the once a month camp. Not sure if it's the hormones from breastfeeding or what, but I'd be perfectly fine if I never had to do it! DH, on the other hand, is like B. Wants it every single day and if two weeks go by he really starts getting antsy.

nicole said...

I've gotta say, I'm probably at the once a month spot also. Although T is probably once a week. It also doesn't help that I want it in the mornings...and T is gone, and he wants it at night, and I'm exhausted. How do you fix that???

moo said...

OK, so I'm either gonna make all of you jealous, or make you want to start an intervention ... because I definitely am the instigator and could use it once a week and hubby only wants it once a month.

Yes, we have role reversal. No, he's not gay.

Heather said...

My husband would prefer a minimum of once a day every day. It ends up being once or twice a week, and he accepts that. I could go a lot longer, but if we go over 5 or 6 days he gets really cranky.

He has really high blood pressure and I have really low blood pressure. We always said that if we could invent a pill to balance our blood pressures and sex drives, we'd be mega billionaires.

Amy said...

I'd say an average of once or twice a week. (There was one week last month that it happened like 10 times... but there was something weird going on with me.)

Sabrina said...

I think my hubby and I are on the same page. We both want it more than we get it since life gets in the way. We probably manage 3 times a week lately.

misguidedmommy said...

well since i'm uber pregnant right now my husband is like never is enough and i'm like dammit i just want some. however when i'm not pregnant twice a week for the hubs is about enough and for me its like 5 times a week....i'm such a guy!